
Health Week

November 18, 2021

HEALTH WEEK ORGANIZED AT ST ALOYSIUS GONZAGA SCHOOL "It is health that is real wealth, not pieces of gold and silver". St Aloysius Gonzaga School organized health week from 15 November to 18 November 2021 for classes I to X. To sensitize the students about the importance of physical fitness. A talk by Ms Shraddha S. Naik an expert in the field of physical fitness, was organized for classes VI to IX. In her talk she emphasized on the importance of taking part in sports and advised the students that an active body enables us to lead a happy and healthy life. Sports also help to accept victory and defeat in the right spirit. The session was followed by a general health check up by a team of expert doctors from Father Muller Medical College hospital. All students from classes I to X had their health checkup done and health tips given by the doctors to keep themselves healthy. The Physical Education Teachers Ms Agnes Saldanha and Mr Aditya Shetty were the coordinators of the health week.