St Aloysius Gonzaga School, managed by the Society of Jesus, is a co-educational day school, affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Delhi. Being a minority institution, it is intended primarily for the education of Catholic students. However the school accepts others without distinction of caste or creed. It is situated in the sprawling 36-acre campus with pristine surroundings in the heart of Mangaluru City, alongside the world famous chapel of paintings and murals, painted by the Italian master painter Anthonio Moscheni, SJ. The School has a legacy of over one hundred and forty four years of service in the cause of education. Thousands of students have passed through the portals of St Aloysius Institutions, and are now serving in India and abroad in different positions and professions.
Empowering youth through excellence in education to shape a better future for humankind.
St Aloysius Gonzaga School, a unit of Mangalore Jesuit Educational Society, inspired by the person and mission of Jesus Christ and guided by the motto "Lucet et Ardet" is committed to forming " men and women for and with others" who are academically accomplished, emotionally balanced, morally upright, socially responsible, ecologically sensitive and professionally dedicated, so that they are a powerful force for the transformation of society.
The motto of St Aloysius Gonzaga School is "Lucet et Ardet". These Latin words mean “Shine to Enkindle" referring to a mind that is enlightened and a heart that it animates. The College intends presenting to the nation and to the world women and men whose minds are lit by knowledge and wisdom and hearts that are burning with a desire to serve their fellow humans.
In the right half of the shield-like Crest, you see three soaring eagles reminding you not to be satisfied with mediocrity but to aim truly high for intellectual, physical and spiritual development; you also see a leaping lion symbolic of the courage and vigour you must cultivate.
In the left half of the Crest, you see the sun shining over the coast. Every student who passes through the portals of this School must be like the sun, illumining the land and contributing to the growth of its people.
In the centre of the rising sun, you see the letters IHS. This is the abbreviation of the name of Jesus (which in Greek is written as IHSUS). The name is symbolic of the deepest faith in God, the deepest commitment to humanity, and the willingness to sacrifice everything, even one’s life, for others.
Our School is named after Saint Aloysius Gonzaga. Aloysius was a descendant of a princely family in Italy in the 16th century. He had everything he could have desired in life. But, inspired by a deep spirit of faith and love for fellow persons, he abdicated his rights at the age of 18, and entered the Jesuit Order to be a religious, whose wealth would be God alone and whose happiness would be the service of others.
While Aloysius was still under training, there was a plague in Rome. Victims of the deadly plague were being abandoned everywhere for fear of contagion. Youthful Aloysius who was then 24, immediately set about, with his companions, caring for the abandoned, sick and the dying, risking his own health. The risk, however, was too great; and Aloysius fell victim to the plague and died at the age of 25 in the midst of his noble work, offering his life as a sacrifice for others.
His example of pure and noble life, moved with a genuine concern for the welfare of others, not seeking the glories of this world, is proposed to you as a model in this institution