
Orientation for new parents of the Academic Year 2024-25

June 13, 2024

St Aloysius Gonzaga School organized an orientation session for the parents of newly admitted students for the Academic Year 2024-25 on 11,12 and 13 June 2024. The session commenced with a prayer song, followed by a talk by the Principal, Fr Mewlyn Anil Lobo SJ. He provided a comprehensive overview of the Vision, Mission, and Motto of the school, along with an introduction to the institution. In his presentation, he briefed the parents about the curriculum, the assessment pattern of scholastic and co-scholastic areas, the grading system, and the Extra-Curricular and Co-Curricular activities offered by the school. He also outlined a few expectations from the students. This was followed by an interactive session where parents could clarify their queries. Ms Vidya Esther welcomed the gathering and compered the programme. Ms Betilda Sequeira and Ms Sushmitha proposed the vote of thanks.