

January 27, 2024

St Aloysius Gonzaga School dedicated a week to the celebration of Mathematics, recognizing it as the language of the universe. The Math Week commenced on 22 January and reached its culmination on 27 January 2024. Each day, the morning assembly became a platform for engaging talks on various mathematical topics, fostering a positive attitude among the students.  One of the highlights of the week was the Mental Math quiz conducted in Classes I to IX, an activity that garnered immense enjoyment and active participation from the students. On the culminating day, a special program unfolded, which included significance of Math week, a captivating video showcasing glimpses of the Mental Math quizzes held in each class, a skit and a demo on Abacus. The winners of the Mental Math quizzes were duly honored with trophies, in recognition of their mathematical prowess. The Principal, in his address, motivated and encouraged the students to cultivate a keen interest in Mathematics, emphasizing the significance of practice, conceptual understanding and intellectual development. Kindergarten students were engaged with hand-on activities on shapes. The seamless coordination of the Math Week was arranged by the Mathematics coordinators and  teachers, who ensured that the Math Week was a resounding success.