

January 23, 2024

As part of the continuous learning experience, 144 students and teachers of Class 2 proceeded to the Pilikula Science Museum and Planetarium, Zoo, and Heritage House on 23.01.2024.  The Principal Fr Melwyn Anil Lobo SJ blessed the students as they left the school in a merry mood. At first, students visited Guthu Mane which stands as a replica of the tradition, heritage, and cultural identity of the region. The next stop was the Pilikula Biological Park where the students embarked on a journey of discovery, wonder, and learning about the animals and birds. The final location was the Pilikula Science Museum and Planetarium. The students were keen to feel the cosmic adventure, blasting off to the vast expanse of the universe at the Planetarium. We learned about the life cycle of stars, watched planets dance around the sun, and even glimpsed the swirling galaxies nestled deeper in the cosmos. Overall, the field trip was recreational for the students and the teachers who accompanied them.