
Faculty development programme on “Our Voice matters; Early identification of different learning abilities and other challenges of learners.” by Dr Rashmi Pai

October 09, 2023

On 9 October 9 2023, St Aloysius Gonzaga School hosted a training session entitled "Our Voice Matters: Early Identification of Various Learning Abilities and Other Learner Challenges" in the school hall. An impressive number of 65 staff members, including the Principal, actively participated in this event.

Fr Melwyn Anil Lobo SJ, our esteemed Principal, emphasized the significance of caring for our voices and highlighted the pivotal role of voice in teachers’ life.

Dr Rashmi Ananth Pai delved into the essential role of our voice as a means of expressing emotions and thoughts. She shed light on the three interconnected systems involved in the production of our voice—Respiratory, Phonatory, and Resonatory. Dr Pai shared valuable insights on maintaining and nurturing the vocal system, particularly for teachers who are professional voice users.

Furthermore, Dr Rashmi Pai provided valuable guidance on early identification of diverse learning abilities and other challenges that students might face. Recognizing these challenges at an early stage can facilitate a more conducive learning environment and help students overcome these hurdles.

The session was both enlightening and informative, leaving the attendees with a deeper understanding of these important aspects of education. The program was skillfully hosted by Ms Teena Elizabeth, while Ms Beena Pais extended a warm welcome to the participants. The event concluded with joyful remarks of gratitude from Ms Divya K, leaving all those in attendance inspired and motivated.